All of us have great things in mind for our career. But what exactly are we doing to achieve this? Your success depends on how you plan your future at work and the efforts you put in to achieve your dreams.
Most of us have to drag ourselves to work each morning, without feeling the urge to do so. The main reason behind this is a basic dislike for the work. However, instead of cribbing and complaining, have you ever thought about what you want from work? Have you been careful about your choices and made plans to achieve your objective? For most of us, the answer would be no. So all you need to do is to understand what you want to do in life and work towards fulfilling your objective. Here are a few starting points that can lead you towards a happier future:
- Know what you want: Take some time out to think about what you want to achieve. Be clear and specific. And when you have decided what you want, write it down. This is your goal. Now that you know what your goal is, planning ahead will become easier.
- Create a plan: With defined goals in mind, create an action plan. Break your bigger goals into smaller objectives and then, put end dates by which you want to achieve these objectives. Next, decide what you want to do to achieve these objectives and goals and assign dates to each task. Keep a track of your plan and act according to the plan to reach your end objective.
- Motivate yourself: Your life and career will go through many ups and downs. It is about how you keep yourself motivated and bounce back again. Remember that downfalls are part of life and only fighters survive and succeed. Be patient and persistent, success will not elude you for long. Meanwhile, be motivated and see how things become simpler.
- Look for opportunities: Opportunities exist everywhere, provided you know how to look for them. Try to look at opportunities within and outside your current workplace. Take help, if required. The most important success mantra this season is networking. So, go out, and network aggressively. Join professional organisations, catch up with old colleagues and classmates etc. Who knows you may just come across the opportunity you are looking for.
- Be easy on yourself: Most of the times, the reasons for feeling sad at work is because of high self expectations. Be easy on yourself and forgive yourself for small misses and failures. You do not have enough time to be sad about past failures. Take learnings and forget about the misses. Be happy and you will be in a better position to drive yourself to success. Do not let failure overcome you.
Creating a good future and a successful career for yourself is your own responsibility. Strategise well and be focused. And like they say, there is no substitute for hard work. Work hard and work smart, success is definitely going to be yours.